Wednesday, March 6, 2013

28 Months and 5 Months

I thought time went by fast with one kid, but it seems to go at warp speed with two. Believe it or not, I actually have an alarm go off on my calendar every two weeks to update this blog. Womp womp. I fail. I have been so busy, plus Burke is finally going to bed at a normal time... no more wonky infant bedtimes. So here's what's new!

BURKE - 5 Months

Oh my little man. He is so smiley and giggly, I just want to eat him up! We moved him into his crib (much later than Molly was moved) and he's been adjusting fairly well, other than when he has a cold. He's not sleeping through the night consistently... in fact, it's happened once... but he typically goes down around 7pm, wakes around 3 or 4am and then gets up for the day at 6am. I don't mind getting up, but lately he's had a very stuffy nose and is waking SO much. This mama is tired!

He discovered his toes recently and is always grabbing at them. He is also SO talkative and loves blowing raspberries. He's definitely my little buddy... I have a conference coming up for an entire weekend and am dreading being away from him for an entire two days.

Oh, how could I forget, we just started him on solids - banana! He loves it! Little chunker. He's much bigger than Molly was at this age!

MOLLY - 28 Months

Oh little Miss Molly, the sunshine of my life! Every day she makes us smile and laugh with her silly ways and the things she says. Her vocabulary is amazing to watch unfold. I swear she learns something new every time I say something. Haha, my little parrot. She is very much into the Disney Channel and all things Mickey Mouse, Princess and TinkerBell.

Funny story that I want to write down to remember forever. A few months ago she was saying "Tinnie tan-o" all the time. Ben and I could not figure out what she was saying. But she would say "Tinnie tan-o" all the time. Then, one day, she pointed at the Disney Channel logo on a book and we were like "OHHHH! Disney Channel!" I died. Of course, now she can pronounce it, but I love figuring out her little language.

She is very independent, especially when it comes to what food she wants. Luckily, she's getting very adventurous with trying new foods.

I'm sure you're wondering how things are with her and Burke. Well, she adores him and he is the first thing she asks for in the morning. "Where Burkie? Burkie sleepin'?" Then when she sees him her face lights up and she does everything she can to make him giggle. And boy does he ever! He thinks she's the funniest! I just love watching them interact. I can't wait until they can play together.

Speaking of playing... I try to keep Molly's days filled with fun things to do and play dates are always the most fun for both of us. She just has a blast with other kids. And she loves to talk about all her friends!

Well, I hear Burke crying so I better go check on him! Sorry for the lack of photos, but I'm on a borrowed laptop and have none. However you can go here and get your fix! (I also added a widget on the right)

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