Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We Have Two Kids!!

So, yeah, it's been a hot minute since I updated. Since I did we had baby numero dos: Robert Burke Johnson -- he goes by Burke. And Molly turned TWO!! Wowzers!

I tend to post more about the kids on my mommy blog, so if you haven't subscribed over there yet, I highly recommend it:

My labor and delivery was fairly easy. I had been having contractions for days and was skipping my Lovenox dosage (which I was told to do if I thought I was going into labor). Finally, I decided to call my OB b/c skipping that medicine is very dangerous. She told me to come into L&D so they could see if I had progressed from being 4cm dilated at my last OB appointment. Well, I was still 4cm. UGH. They wanted to monitor me, but if I didn't dilate to 5cm they were going to send me home. Ben decided to start pressing on the pressure points of my feet, which can put you into labor. Well, no less than 5 mins after he started, my contractions began getting intense and when they checked 30 mins late I was 5cm. YAY!

Once I was all checked in and hooked up to monitors and IVs they broke my water. THEN I decided to get my epidural. It took the dr. 3 effing tries. Meanwhile, I'm having intense contractions. It was not fun, but the pain of getting my epidural was nothing compared to those contractions. Oof.

Then it was a waiting game. About 4 hours later it was time to push. And push I did (all while my epidural hadn't fully kicked in, OUCH)... for two contractions and out he came. 8lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches. Big boy!

So far he's been an amazing baby. So laid back and sleepy. We are all extremely happy!

Oh man, is Molly something else. She's just the most fun little person ever! I love spending every day with her and her silly self. She's talking up a storm, singing songs and just brightening up everyone around her.

Halloween was a big hit. She loved talking about pumpkins and ghosts and bats. She is still saying "Happy Halloween" all around the house and still wants to wear her Minnie Mouse costume.

She is VERY into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and plays with her Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Daisy stuffed animals every day. She's also really into Little People. She plays with them and gives them names like mommy, daddy, Burkie.

Her best friend is Kathryn. They went trick-or-treating together and always have such a good time playing. It also helps that Kathryn's mom is one of my oldest and best friends. :)

I would list all the things Molly is saying, but honestly, it's something new every day. She is a little parrot and it's almost scary because we really have to watch our mouths. "OH GOD" is a new one she picked up, oops. "That's nice" is another funny one. She says "Look mom" a lot and just started really saying "I LOVE YOU!" which is my personal favorite.

Ben's mom stayed with us for a month while we were awaiting Burke's arrival/welcoming him into the world. It was amazing! But since Hezzie left, Molly likes to ask everyday where she is. She also sometimes asks about Boppa, Nannie and Koko. The other day she even asked about Gracie (our old dog) so I have no idea what that little brain is thinking.

She loves reading books, playing with playdoh, coloring, the playground, bubbles, singing, puzzles... you know, the typical 2 year old stuff. She sleeps in a big girl bed and looooves her little brother. Every morning she wants to "snuggle Burke." And I always let her because it gives me a little extra time in bed!

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